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Updated: Mar 8, 2022

Namaste and Sat Nam all,

Happy Thanksgiving week! If you are in town, we would love for you to join us in person for a special event before your Thanksgiving festivities get into high gear.

Thanksgiving Day at 11am. Gratitude Yoga with Sound at Flow Yoga Cedar Park, off highway 1431 and Walton Way, across from the old Walmart.

The event is from 11am - 12:15pm. Gentle Yoga for the whole family. Bring the cousins, the Aunties, Uncles, Grandparents, Neighbors, and Friends. it's going to be super fun to be together as a community setting our minds and hearts in Gratitude.

you can read more and register at

I really look forward to sharing this time with yall!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading this email and any consideration. take good care of yourselves.

Happy Thanksgiving, winnie --


Namaste and Sat Nam beautiful people!

Happy New Moon wishes in Sagittarius. It's our last Moon of 2021!!

The holidays are in full swing!! Keep creating the space for quiet and stillness. I have a few contemplation questions to ask yourself for journaling or seated meditation. Where do I see Joy and Peace during this time? Where do I feel the Joy / Peace in the body? How might I add more Joy / Peace into my life? If nothing comes to you the first time to visit these questions, give it time. Honor yourself by being still and quiet during your day, any amount of time. We have a new class time on Mondays / Wednesdays at the Brushy Creek Mud in Round Rock, 7pm **. Did you know you can drop in for $5? Next year will be my 4th year working for the Mud, I started as a contractor for the first 2 years, totallying 6 years at the Mud. Everyone is really nice and we have Zoom options for all the group fitness classes. We would love for you to join us. You are invited!!! Give it as a gift to yourself and bring your friends!! Full Moon Gong Symphony: Sunday, December 19, 6pm - 7:30pm Flow Yoga Anderson location sending you love, light and blessings. take good care of yourselves! winnie (attached weekly class schedule with descriptions)

Writer's picture: WYMWYM

Namaste All,

Hope this email finds you and your loved ones well. Take your time reading, Nuggets of Yogic information to digest.

Happy November! Looking ahead to the New Moon, this Saturday. It's a powerful one, full of possibilities and positive vibes. Keep practicing grounding to help cope with the life around you. Opening up your thoughts to growth. Your growth is not mandated, just observe yourself and notice even the slightest growth. Maybe your observations of the self, are the growth.

Grounding tips: (take what you need, leave the rest)

1. walk in nature, no phones; earthing, no shoes or socks

2. repot your inside plants, working with dirt and plants is very grounding

3. herbal tea or warm water, Tulsi & Turmeric teas good for immune support

4. YoGa, in your practice focus eyes downward

5. seated outside, or at a window, stare into nature

6. warm cooked foods, try for 1 cooked meal a day, we are all busy, no stress to fit in cooked foods for every meal. Eat root vegetables that are in season, add herbs that are grounding like rosemary, add ghee for immune support.

7. essential oils, patchouli, sandalwood

8. jewelry, sandalwood, tiger's eye, garnet

9. sleep, eye pillows, weighted blanket

10. meditation practice, connect pinky finger and thumb, Buddhi Mudra, mudra means seal, the pinky finger represents the heart organ in the body and the Earth element under Ayurveda, the sister science to YoGa. Also stimulates mental clarity, Hatha YoGa.

11. oil the body, i like the Banyan Botanicals blends, right now Vata oils.

12. do less, and say no thank you

If you have been to classes with us, you know I usually lead with a sound before we begin our practice. Or end, coming out of svasana. These vibrational tools soothe the parasympathetic nervous system, our fight/flight/freeze response and rest & digest. Here is a short article about setting up your meditation space, and the use of Tibetan bowls.

Attached is a short video of Tibetan bowls and added gong for variation. Thinking of everyone during this time as we move into the holiday season. keep taking care of yourself. Reach out if you have any questions, I love questions!! Om Santih, peace, winnie IMG_5521.m4v

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