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Namaste and Sat Nam Beautiful Souls!

How are you?

Today is an energetic and auspicious time to set a new intention or make that wish you are holding onto. We begin the next moon phase, the New Moon in LIbra. yall know me, i feel you may do this anytime, you are always in charge of yourself, your thoughts, your choices, your actions. What lens are you using to view the world? remember, no judgement. just observe, be the neutral mind watching the positive and negative mind, duke it out.

But, if you want to power up a little goal for yourself. today is the day!!! write it down, burn it, say it outloud, share with family and friends, keep it posted on the fridge, computer, desk, car, your night stand, a mirror. you can do anything you want, where are your thoughts going? just like Dr. Joe Dispenze says, "where your thoughts go, so does your energy."

This Friday, October 8, we have our monthly Sound Journey at Soul Strong Yoga in downtown RR, at the Sanctuary location, 7-8pm. We will move the body to open the heart, the home of Compassion, Desire, and Grief. "What do you desire most?" Tapping into this energy we will shift down to the mid torso, the Solar Plexus, the 3rd Chakra space of willpower, "I can do this."

We would love to have you there Friday night to manifest your New Moon wishes.

The space is limited to 7. if you are following me on IG, i posted a video of the space.

register at:

take good care, sending you love and light, winnie


Namaste and Sat Nam Friends,

hope you had a restful weekend and found time to try something new. I went with a friend to the Austin Salt Cave. Your first time is $30. It was cool, I enjoyed both the friend bonding time and the whole Halotherapy experience!! Last week's New Moon, New beginnings was a great week! Pulling moon cards and releasing from transverse shapes in the body. Thank you all for your after class shares. These next 2 weeks we will revisit familiar Asana/ poses and talk about foundations, support, and variations of Extended Side Angle, Utthita Parsvakonasana, lower body. Acknowledging Breast Cancer awareness month, our upper body focus, chest openers sprinkled within our flow. Honor a friend or family member with thoughts and prayers or by making a donation to Questions to contemplate: "where do I lean into for support, how do I support myself, do I offer support to others, what does support feel like in my body?" reminder, this is a judgement free space. we are all on different paths. Energetically we move into darker spaces, with the shorter daylight and cooler temperatures. Maybe we begin cocooning ourselves, using this time for Shadow Work. Feel free to reach out to me here for more information on Shadow work. Huge share: I am super super excited, extremely lucky, and blessed to share that I am going on the road!! The last week of October 24-31. All classes covered except the Barre classes at Twin Creeks. Yes, my friends, I am giving workshops in Taos, New Mexico and Colorado Springs, Colorado. Have you heard of the "Law of Attraction?" I created a Vision Board earlier this year with my Kundalini Yoga friends and placed pictures of mountains and cut out words like, adventure, "out and about," and "time to shine." Check out one of the offerings in Taos, NM at, scroll down till you see my pic. if you are not following me on InstaGram, connect there to follow me on the road trip: WinniesYogaMat attaching a PDF of regular weekly classes and their class descriptions. One day at a time! sending you all the good vibrations, winnie

Writer's pictureWYM

Namaste and Sat Nam,

Happy September 1, and wow, we are moving past summer and into Fall already! Have you noticed the few wisps of leaves floating around? maybe seeing a pile forming. The cool air is coming.

Every beginning of the month, I pause for reflection of all the experiences and people that have guided and supported me along the way these last 4 weeks. That includes each of you showing up or connecting here. Grateful for this Sangha, yoga community. you definitely give me purpose, Dharma. we are so thankful and blessed to share some really cool upcoming events with you!!! Yeah!!! happy dance!! Friday, September 10th, 7-8pm, Sound Journey at Soul Strong Yoga Sanctuary space, downtown RR., $20. Saturday, september 18, 1-3pm, Chakra Sound Journey at Flow Yoga Cedar Park donation $30-40 Saturday, October 2, 2-5pm, workshop with Sharon, yoga, breathwork like no other, meditation and Sound. see the attached flyer please RSVP to me, we are hosting it in a private residence to keep the cost down. $85, early bird pricing save $5 by 9/10, bring a friend to save an extra $5. space is limited to 10. Sunday, October 17, 5:30pm, Sound Journey at River Place Country Club, our theme this time is Ground and Release with the large grounding bowl. (full moon vibes Oct 20) take good care of yourselves, winnie

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